Cephalophus silvicultor
Duiquer de lomo amarillo (Sp), Gelbrückenducker (G), Céphalophe à dos jaune (F).
DESCRIPTION Shoulder height 30-33 inches (76-84 cm). Weight 100-150 pounds (45-68 kg).
The yellow-backed duiker is one of the three "giant" duikers, the others being the Jentink and the Abbott. It has long been considered the largest duiker; however, it is actually somewhat smaller than the Jentink, to which it is similar in its stocky build. The general color is a very dark brown. There is a long, triangular, yellowish patch of erectile hairs, variable in size, extending from the middle of the back to the rump. Sides of the face are light gray. The well-developed head tuft is reddish brown, mixed with black. Tail is short and thin, with a small black tuft. Inguinal (groin) glands are said to be absent in most populations. The horns (both sexes) are almost as long as in the Jentink. They are ridged for much of their length, and curve backward and downward slightly below the plane of the face. Females are similar to males, though somewhat larger and with smaller horns.
HABITAT Mainly high forest, but also gallery forest and small savanna woodlands.
DISTRIBUTION The forest zone from Senegal eastward to southwestern Sudan and southward through Gabon, Congo (B), Congo (K) and southwestern Uganda to northern Angola and parts of Zambia. Also in the Mau Forest in southwestern Kenya, and may still exist in mountain forests on Mt. Elgon on the Uganda-Kenya border.
TAXONOMIC NOTES Ansell lists three subspecies but does not think much of their validity: ituriensis, ruficrista and sylvicultor. They are combined here.