White Blesbok | Online Record Book Preview

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White Blesbok - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 46 3/8" Gold (Bow): 45 2/8"
Endangered: Silver: 44" Silver (Bow): 43 7/8"
Bronze: 39" Bronze (Bow): 35"

Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi

DESCRIPTION The white blesbok is a breed, not a subspecies. It is actually a very pale color phase-seldom, if ever, pure white-that is produced by selective breeding on private ranches. Except for color, it is identical to the ordinary blesbok, with horns of equal size.

DISTRIBUTION Private ranches in South Africa.

CAUTION As a selective breed, white blesboks come in various degrees of whiteness, from almost pure white to some shade of tan or light brown. The latter is an indication that the animal is the result of too few selective crossings. The Record Book accepts only those animals that are judged sufficiently white.

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