Texas Dall Sheep | Online Record Book Preview

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Texas Dall Sheep - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 132 6/8" Gold (Bow): 132 6/8"
Endangered: Silver: 123 1/8" Silver (Bow): 121 3/8"
Bronze: 106" Bronze (Bow): 95"

Ovis musimon x hybrid albino

Also called white Corsican or white sheep on Texas ranches, the Texas Dall sheep is a hybrid sheep developed from the Corsican sheep (a registered trademark of the YO Ranch of Mountain Home, Texas). The hybrid was developed along with the Hawaiian black and Corsican to offer hunters an inexpensive trophy complementing a successful hunt.

DESCRIPTION weight can vary from 80 to 250 pounds (35-100 kg). Stands 28 to 30 inches at the shoulder, carrying an impressive mane that ranges from 3 to 8 inches.

Usually these animals are hybrids of the European mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon) and domestic sheep (O. aries), a haired (non-woolly) sheep from West Africa via the West Indies. The hybridization has created a variety of color phases and horn shape and sizes; however, Texas Dall sheep must be all white for consideration in this category. Sheep with other color phases will be considered hybrid sheep. With careful breeding, the Texas Dall should be free of wool and carry spectacular horns that curl downward and outward sometimes growing more than 40 inches in length. The horns are typically a clear, almost milky color and massive.

The Texas Dall is primarily a browser, eating a variety of weeds and occasionally tender grasses. During the summer months the sheep will water daily and during the cooler months they may go up to three days without watering. They have poor eyesight and bunch up as their primary defense. At maturity, breeding dominance is established by physical contact of butting heads. Breeding and conception occur primarily during August and September. The lambing season can begin as early as February and continue into March.

DISTRIBUTION has increased to include private ranches throughout the lower 48. Some free-range animals can be found in Texas, California and Florida.

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