Stone Sheep | Online Record Book Preview
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Stone Sheep |
Ovis dalli stonei
Named in 1897 for its scientific discoverer, Montana naturalist A.J. Stone.
DESCRIPTION (male) Shoulder height about 40 inches (102 cm). Weight 180-220 pounds (80-100 kg), exceptionally as much as 250 pounds (113 kg). Females are considerably smaller.
The Stone sheep has been aptly described by Geist as "a Dall sheep in evening dress." It is a handsome animal, differing from the Dall mainly by not being white. Individuals vary greatly in color and pattern, ranging from almost white in the north through shades of gray and brown to nearly black in southern areas. (Sheep that appear black at a distance actually have a brownish tinge at close range.) Sheep of various colors may be found in the same group. The head, and often the neck, are a lighter color than the body. The muzzle, belly, backs of legs, and rump are white. The tail is black, and is usually connected by a dark band to the dark hairs of the back. Older rams sometimes have a dark band across, or partially across, the white belly. Horns are brown or dark amber and exhibit considerable variation in size and shape. The age rings are more clearly defined than in Dall or bighorn rams. Females have short, slim horns.
HABITAT Similar to that of Dall sheep.
DISTRIBUTION Northern British Columbia north of the Peace River, extending northward into the Yukon Territory, Alaska, and the Northwest Territories.
REMARKS Stone sheep hunts are more expensive than those for Dall sheep, and there are fewer licenses available. All hunts are conducted with horses, and can often be arranged to include other species as well. The famous Chadwick ram, taken near the Muskwa River in 1936 and considered by many sportsmen to be the finest North American big game trophy, is a Stone sheep.
TAXONOMIC NOTES Stone sheep and Dall sheep intergrade in northwestern British Columbia and the Yukon. At one time, several intergrades of intermediate coloration were regarded as separate subspecies, particularly the gray or saddle-backed Fannin sheep (fannini). Others were the black sheep (niger) from the headwaters of the Skeena River, the Liard sheep (liardensis) from the Liard River area, and the Mount Logan sheep (cowani) from near Mt. Logan. All these are now considered color variations of Stone sheep-not valid subspecies. Only the Fannin sheep is now recognized for Record Book purposes.
As it would be impossible to draw a line where Stone sheep end and Dall sheep begin, our rule for record-keeping purposes is that a Dall sheep may have no dark hairs whatever, except on the tail. Any sheep that is not pure white (other than the tail) will be treated as a Stone sheep or Fannin Sheep. This follows long-established hunting tradition.
Stone Sheep (free range) - Species Detail |
Scientific Name: |
Ovis dalli stonei |
Gold: |
163 2/8" |
Gold (Bow): |
152 6/8" |
AKA: |
Silver: |
156 6/8" |
Silver (Bow): |
141 1/8" |
Endangered: |
Bronze: |
150" |
Bronze (Bow): |
122" |
Member |
Taken |
Location |
Hunting Company/Guide |
Measurer |
Score |
OR |
MR |
The Stone Sheep (free range) currently has 657 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book!
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Stone Sheep - Species Detail |
Scientific Name: |
Ovis dalli stonei |
Gold: |
160" |
Gold (Bow): |
0" |
AKA: |
Silver: |
0" |
Silver (Bow): |
0" |
Endangered: |
Bronze: |
160" |
Bronze (Bow): |
120" |
Member |
Taken |
Location |
Hunting Company/Guide |
Measurer |
Score |
OR |
MR |
The Stone Sheep currently has 7 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book!
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