Siberian Roe Deer - Europe | Online Record Book Preview

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Siberian Roe Deer (Europe) (typical) - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 65 2/8" Gold (Bow): 0"
Endangered: Silver: 60 7/8" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 0" Bronze (Bow): 40 4/8"

Capreolus pygargus pygargus

Corzo Siberiano (Sp), Siberisches Rehwild (G), Chevreuil de Siberie (F).

DESCRIPTION & TAXONOMIC NOTES The Siberian roe deer category consists of three races: pygargus, caucasicus and tianschanicus, but only the first two are found in Europe. The typical Siberian roe deer (pygargus) is considerably larger than the European roe deer. Shoulder height of males is 33-39 inches (85-100 cm), weight up to 130 pounds (59 kg). Females are a little smaller. The antlers are considerably larger and the summer coat is a brighter and lighter red than in the European roe. The winter coat is grayish-brown with a white rump patch, and is much thicker and rougher than in the European roe. The heavily pearled antlers grow upward in the shape of a "V" and are widely separated at the base, with the coronets never touching as they do in the European species. Typically there are three points to a side (the beam tip plus two tines), but the rear tine is frequently bifurcated so as to make four points. Any tines other than the normal brow and rear tines are non-typical. The North Caucasian roe deer (caucasicus) is a smaller form, described by Heptner as intermediate in size between the European and Siberian forms, with Siberian-type antlers not longer than 13 inches (33 cm). Males average 66 pounds (30 kg), maximum 88 pounds (40 kg), with the heavier individuals rare.

DISTRIBUTION The European range of the Siberian roe deer is limited to European parts of Russia. The larger form (pygargus) is found on the western slopes of the Ural Mountains, roughly between latitudes 50°-60°N and east of about longitude 52°E. Within historical times it is said to have reached the Volga River, even occurring along its west bank, especially where it nears the lower Don River; however, it is no longer found so far south and west. The smaller North Caucasian form (caucasicus) is geographically isolated on the lower northern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains. Heptner gave its range as from Novorossiisk and Sochi eastward to the Caspian, and from the mouth of the Terek River to Derbent; however, its present range is much reduced. Transplants of what are probably caucasicus have been made outside their natural range on hunting reserves in various parts of European Russia, notably at Krasny Les, about 45 miles (72 km) west of Krasnodar. The principal range of the Siberian roe deer, however, lies in Asia, from the eastern foot of the Urals to the Tatar Strait.

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