Hippotragus niger
Antilope caballo (Sp), Rappenantilope (G), Hippotrague noir (F). "Sable" means black, which is the color of most adult sable bulls. At one time called Harrisbuck after the English explorer, hunter and artist, Capt. W. Cornwallis Harris, who collected the type specimen in 1836.
DESCRIPTION (male) Shoulder height 52-54 inches (132-137 cm). Weight 400-500 pounds (180-230 kg).
A large, magnificent antelope, with shoulders higher than its hindquarters. There is a stiff mane on neck and shoulders, the ears are long and narrow, the tail is tufted. General color varies from glossy black to seal-brown, with white underparts and white facial markings. Both sexes have long, sweeping, scimitar-shaped horns that are heavily ringed and usually parallel to each other. Females are slightly smaller and paler in color, being reddish-brown rather than black, and have smaller, straighter horns.
DISTRIBUTION Private ranches in Texas and elsewhere.
REMARKS Native to southern Africa, where it is found in woodland savanna from Angola eastward to Kenya and southward to South Africa. We recognize three subspecies in Africa, but do not separate them here.