Persian Goitered Gazelle | Online Record Book Preview
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Persian Goitered Gazelle - Species Detail |
AKA: |
Gold: |
39 3/8" |
Gold (Bow): |
41 4/8" |
Endangered: |
Silver: |
37 3/8" |
Silver (Bow): |
0" |
Bronze: |
31" |
Bronze (Bow): |
0" |
Gazella subgutturosa subgutturosa
Gacela de bocio de Persia (Sp), Persischer Kropf-Gazelle (G), Gazelle à goitre de l'Perse (F). Also called Persian gazelle. Called ahu in Iran; jeran, jairan, or dzheiran in Turkestan.
DESCRIPTION (male) Shoulder height 25-29 inches (64-74 cm). Weight 50-75 pounds (23-34 kg). Females are somewhat smaller.
This is the typical goitered gazelle. The short summer coat is dark sandy fawn or sandy rufous; the longer, rougher winter coat is much paler. The flank band is indistinct, but the pygal stripes are somewhat pronounced. Underparts, inner legs and buttocks up to base of tail are white. Tail is long and black on the upper surface, dividing the white rump area. Facial markings are indistinct in adults, with the muzzle blaze fading into white with age and the dark lateral eye stripes incomplete. The horns of the male average 12-13 inches (30-33 cm) in length, although larger specimens have been recorded. Females are normally hornless.
HABITAT Favors higher elevations, below which it is replaced by the Kennion gazelle (in Iran and Baluchistan).
DISTRIBUTION Southeastern Turkey; eastern Azerbaijan; Iran, east of the Zagros Mountains at altitudes of 3,000-4,000 feet (900-1,200 m); Afghanistan; Pakistan, in the border region of Baluchistan adjacent to southern Afghanistan; and in the former Soviet Turkestan, along the west flank of the mountains as far north as Lake Balkash. Intergrades with the Arabian goitered gazelle in eastern Iraq and western Iran between the Euphrates River and Zagros Mountains.
TAXONOMIC NOTES Includes seistanica (Seistan gazelle of eastern Iran) and gracilicornis (Bakhshan Valley in Tadzikistan).
Member |
Taken |
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Hunting Company/Guide |
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Score |
OR |
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