Ogilby Duiker | Online Record Book Preview

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Ogilby Duiker - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 9" Gold (Bow): 0"
Endangered: Silver: 6 8/16" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 5" Bronze (Bow): 4 8/16"
Ogilby Duiker

Cephalophus ogilbyi

Duiquer de Ogilby (Sp), Ogilbyducker (G), Céphalophe d'Ogilby (F).

DESCRIPTION Shoulder height about 22 inches (56 cm). Weight 35-40 pounds (16-18 kg).

One of the least-known duikers. Medium sized and generally bright orange in color, tending to reddish on the hindquarters, with underparts paler. A black dorsal stripe, wider in the center and tapering at the ends, extends from the shoulders to the top of the rump. The head tuft is orange. The face is browner than the body and is darkest on the muzzle. The legs are light brown, darkening toward the hoofs. The tail has a whitish tip. Inguinal (groin) glands are present. The horns (both sexes) are cone-shaped, strongly ridged and thick at the base, and grow backward in the line of the face with the tips curving slightly forward. Females are similar to males, though a little larger and with smaller horns.

HABITAT High rain forest.

DISTRIBUTION There are two populations, separated by a gap of about 700 miles (1,125 km), in the lowland equatorial forest zone. One is in West Africa, extending from parts of Sierra Leone eastward through Liberia and southern Ivory Coast to southwestern Ghana. The other is in Central Africa, including extreme southeastern Nigeria east of the Cross River, far western Cameroon near the Nigerian border, Bioko Island (formerly Fernando Po) in Equatorial Guinea, and western Gabon.

TAXONOMIC NOTES Three subspecies are recognized: brookei (Brooke duiker, from Sierra Leone to Togo), crusalbum (white-legged duiker, known only from western Gabon;its white legs distinguish it from all other duikers), and ogilbyi (southeastern Nigeria east of the Cross River, southwestern Cameroon, and Bioko Island in Equatorial Guinea). We do not separate them.

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