Mountain Anoa | Online Record Book Preview
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Mountain Anoa - Species Detail |
AKA: |
Gold: |
23 5/8" |
Gold (Bow): |
0" |
Endangered: |
6-14-76 Celebes |
Silver: |
0" |
Silver (Bow): |
0" |
Bronze: |
0" |
Bronze (Bow): |
0" |
Bubalus quarlesi
Anoa de la montaƱa (Sp), Gebirgsanoa, Zwerganoa (G), Anoa de montagne (F).
DESCRIPTION Head and body length about five feet (1.5 m). Tail length 8-10 inches (20-25 cm). Shoulder height about 28 inches (71 cm). Weight 330-440 pounds (150-200 kg).
Smallest of the world's wild cattle. Very closely related to the lowland anoa, differing by its smaller size, coat, coloration, and shorter tail, which does not reach nearly to the hocks. The coat sometimes retains the thick and woolly juvenile characteristics well into adulthood, especially in females, and even when the wool is shed the hair is not as sparse as in the lowland anoa. Adults are dark brown to black, with legs the same color as the body. There may or may not be whitish or yellowish spots above the hoofs. Underparts are lighter than the back, but never white, and there are no white markings on the throat. The horns (both sexes) are short and conical, rounded in section, with no ridges or keel. They grow backward from the head and are depressed slightly beneath the plane of the face. Horn lengths from 5-3/4 to 7-7/8 inches (14.6 to 20.0 cm) have been recorded, with circumferences of 3-4 inches (76.0 to 10.2 cm).
BEHAVIOR Little is known of its habits, but is reported to have a much gentler nature than the lowland species.
HABITAT Forests at altitudes up to 6,600 feet (2,000 m).
DISTRIBUTION Mountainous regions of Sulawesi (Celebes) in Indonesia.
TAXONOMIC NOTES At one time the mountain anoa was given the specific name fergusoni, but quarlesi is accepted today. Some authorities classify the mountain anoa as a subspecies of lowland anoa; however, we follow Groves in treating each as a separate species.
STATUS Listed as endangered by the USF&WS (1976) and the IUCN and on Appendix I of CITES (1975). Actual status not known, but is believed to have fared better than the lowland anoa because the mountainous nature of its habitat makes poaching more difficult.
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Hunting Company/Guide |
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