Mid-Caucasian Tur | Online Record Book Preview
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Mid-Caucasian Tur - Species Detail |
AKA: |
ture |
Gold: |
138 5/8" |
Gold (Bow): |
143 3/8" |
Endangered: |
Silver: |
127 5/8" |
Silver (Bow): |
0" |
Bronze: |
0" |
Bronze (Bow): |
0" |
Capra caucasica caucasica
DESCRIPTION Intermediate between the west Caucasian and east Caucasian turs.
Compared to the true west Caucasian tur (subspecies dinniki), the severtzovi race to the east (but still west of Mt. Elbrus) is described as slightly taller, standing 38-43 inches (97-109 cm) at the shoulder. The black horns are somewhat smoother, with smaller cross ridges, and the tips may be closer together. The beard is shorter, being only of moderate length. Summer coat is reddish-gray, with forehead and chest darker and browner; front of legs darker, becoming black near the hoofs; belly and inner thighs a dirty white. A darker dorsal stripe may or may not be present.
The caucasica race from Mt. Elbrus eastward to Mt. Dykhtau was originally described as a hybrid between severtzovi and the east Caucasian tur (cylindricornis). This is confirmed by recent observers who describe a wide variety of hybrids from this area, often in large herds that include a number of different forms. Individual horns are said to vary from supracervical like those of cylindricornis, though often with cross ridges like those of dinniki, to long and scimitar-shaped like those of dinniki, but relatively smooth like those of cylindricornis. The caucasica race is generally darker in color than the severtzovi race, and with a dark dorsal streak. The winter coat is dark brown.
DISTRIBUTION & TAXONOMIC NOTES West-central Caucasus Mountains (except for the range of the west Caucasian tur in the far northwest). Includes severtzovi (western Caucasus, east of the range of the Kuban tur and west of Mt. Elbrus) and caucasica (central Caucasus, from Mt. Elbrus east to Mt. Dykhtau). The name caucasica Guldenstadt & Pallas, 1783 has priority. Boundaries with the west Caucasian tur are unclear.
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OR |
MR |
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