Long-tailed Goral | Online Record Book Preview

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Long-tailed Goral - Species Detail

AKA: Chinese Goral Gold: 21" Gold (Bow): 15 3/8"
Endangered: Silver: 0" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 0" Bronze (Bow): 0"
Long-tailed Goral
Map Legend

Naemorhedus caudatus

Goral de China (Sp), Chinesischer Goral (G), Goral de Chine (F).

DESCRIPTION & TAXONOMIC NOTES Shoulder height 24-28 inches (61-71 cm). Differs from the Himalayan goral by usually having a longer coat and a long, tufted tail.

The Burmese, or Evans, long-tailed goral (N. c. evansi) of the mountains of upper Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand is a smaller race. Its general color is a brownish-gray fawn suffused with darker brown. There is a small yellow throat patch, no stripe on back or muzzle, and the tail and back of legs are dark brown. The horns are very small.

The south China, or gray, long-tailed goral (N. c. griseus, including arnouxianus) of Sichuan, Yunnan, upper Myanmar (Burma), and eastward across southern China has a comparatively short, not woolly, coat. The tail is moderately bushy, 5-6 inches (127-152 mm) long, and the upper and lower surfaces of the tuft are black. Color is very variable, ranging from ashy-gray to yellowish-brown, with a distinct dark dorsal stripe. The throat patch is more or less yellow, at least at the edges. A black stripe is on the front of the forelegs above the knees, and continuing down the outer shanks.

The northeastern, or Chinese, long-tailed goral (N. c. caudatus) of northeastern China has a shaggy, somewhat woolly coat. The tail tuft is long, bushy and black-much darker than base of tail and middle of back. A narrow white fringe borders the tail below. General color varies from pale buffy-gray to dark grayish-brown. There is a dark dorsal stripe and a white throat patch.

The Amur, or Korean, long-tailed goral (N. c. raddeanus) of Korea to southeastern Siberia is a long-haired race. It is grayish-yellowish-brown in color, with a dark dorsal stripe and a large white throat patch. The face is black in front, grayish-yellow on the sides. Front of lower legs is a light gray-brown, contrasting with the white feet. Upper side of tail is similar in color to the back; a broad white fringe borders the tail below.

DISTRIBUTION Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, eastern China, Korea, eastern Manchuria, and the Amur region of extreme eastern Siberia.

STATUS Listed as endangered by the USF&WS (1976, as N. goral) and on Appendix I of CITES (1975).

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