Indochinese Banteng | Online Record Book Preview

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Indochinese Banteng - Species Detail

AKA: Tsaine, Burma banteng Gold: 67" Gold (Bow): 0"
Endangered: 6-2-70 Southeast Asia Silver: 0" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 0" Bronze (Bow): 0"
Bos javanicus birmanicus

Banteng de Indochina (Sp), Hinterindischer Banteng (G), Tsaine, Banting de l'Indochine (F). Called tsaine or hsaine in Burmese. Sometimes called Burmese banteng, because Europeans first encountered it in Myanmar (Burma).

DESCRIPTION Adult bulls are variable in color, ranging from dark fawn to orange or chestnut or chocolate, and shading into light brown below. The face is usually lighter than the body, with the forehead and around the eyes whitish or tawny gray, darkening to light chestnut above the muzzle, and a whitish band separating this from the black muzzle. The white rump patch is less developed than in the island races, not extending onto the upper surface of the buttocks. The legs are white from above the knees and hocks to the hoofs. Females are typically a bright chestnut-red, with rump patch, underparts and lower legs whitish. The forehead is somewhat convex, and the ridge at the top of the skull is elevated in the middle, forming a gentle arch between the horns. The horns are distinctly different from those of the Java and Borneo subspecies, growing out from the side of the head (rather than the top), then curving sharply up, in and slightly back, with the tips directed toward each other. The female's horns are relatively long. Horns taken prior to 1934 were recorded by Rowland Ward with lengths to 34-1/2 inches (87.6 cm), circumferences to 19 inches (48.3 cm), and outside spreads to 43 inches (109.2 cm).

The Burmese are said to recognize three varieties of tsaine: (1) the common light red bulls and cows, which they call tsaine bya, (2) dark chocolate bulls and dark chestnut cows, which are called tsaine nyo or tsaine mwe, and (3) dark-faced bulls with red bodies called tsaine ni. All varieties may be found in the same forest, but a herd is said to consist of one variety only. The porteri race from Thailand is said to have the brownish hair marked by numerous small white flecks, and the horns heavily ringed at the base. An unnamed form has been described from southern Vietnam, in which bulls are bright orange with a paler dorsal streak, a fawn face with a white ring around the muzzle, a dark band above the knees and hocks, and a small white rump patch.

DISTRIBUTION Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

TAXONOMIC NOTES Includes porteri (Thailand).

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