Gobi Argali | Online Record Book Preview

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Gobi Argali - Species Detail

AKA: Mongolian argali, Darwin argali Gold: 196 5/8" Gold (Bow): 148 1/8"
Endangered: Silver: 183 4/8" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 160" Bronze (Bow): 0"
Gobi Argali
Map Legend

Ovis ammon darwini

Argali del Gobi (Sp), Gobi Argali (G), Argali du Gobi (F). Sometimes called Mongolian argali or Darwin argali. Subspecific name is after British naturalist Charles R. Darwin.

DESCRIPTION Shoulder height 41-46 inches (104-117 cm). Weight 300 pounds (135 kg) or more.

One of the largest argalis, with horns similar to those of an Altai argali, being nearly as massive but a little shorter. Upper parts are a variegated yellowish-brown; the flanks and front of thighs are a more uniform darker brown. The sides are buff, the rump patch light buff and diffuse, the tail with a brown center line, the belly whitish, and the muzzle, sides of face and upper throat a grizzled grayish-brown. This subspecies does not grow a neck ruff.

DISTRIBUTION The Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia and northern China.

TAXONOMIC NOTES Includes the named races darwini (southern Gobi), dauricus, intermedia (central Gobi), kozlovi (Ala Shan mountains), mongolica (Mongolia) and przevalskii (Saylyugem Range), with darwini Przewalski, 1883 having priority.

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