Gansu Argali | Online Record Book Preview
This is a preview of the Gansu Argali species only. Once you subscribe you will be able to view all the entry details for hundreds of different species, including full score sheets and photos.
Gansu Argali - Species Detail |
AKA: |
Gold: |
167 1/8" |
Gold (Bow): |
0" |
Endangered: |
Silver: |
0" |
Silver (Bow): |
0" |
Bronze: |
0" |
Bronze (Bow): |
0" |
Ovis ammon dalailamae
DESCRIPTION (male) Shoulder height about 45 inches (114 cm), weight 200-220 pounds (90-100 kg).
A large argali. The winter coat is chestnut-brown on the back, grayish-brown on the sides, with the underparts, rump and inside of legs white. A dark streak extends down the front of the legs. The head is brown, the muzzle white. Rams have a long, white ruff that almost surrounds the neck. The horns are heavy and tightly curled, with little or no flare. The upper surfaces have narrow wrinkles and the frontal edges are rounded.
DISTRIBUTION China, where it is found in the Altun Shan range in Xinjiang, and the Qilian Shan range in Gansu and adjacent parts of Qinghai.
TAXONOMIC NOTES While Chinese and many Russian scientists recognize the Gansu (dalailamae) and Tibetan (hodgsoni) argalis as separate subspecies, most Western authorities do not. Both CITES and the USF&WS consider the Gansu argali a form of Tibetan argali, under which they list it, respectively, on Appendix I and as endangered. The Gansu argali may not be imported into the U.S., even though it is known to be plentiful and may be hunted legally.
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