Cephalophus leucogaster
Duiquer de Gabon (Sp), Weissbauchducker, Gabunducker (G), Céphalophe à ventre blanc, Céphalophe du Gabon (F).
DESCRIPTION Shoulder height about 20 inches (51 cm). Weight about 40 pounds (18 kg).
The palest forest duiker, medium-sized, and with a long, narrow muzzle. The general color is a warm sandy tan, becoming grayish near the black dorsal line and reddish on the rump and thighs. The underparts from chin to rump are white. A narrow, blackish dorsal stripe extends from the neck or shoulders to the base of the tail. The tail is reddish on top, with a conspicuous black and white tip. The forehead is blackish brown with a short orange and black head tuft. Inguinal (grain) glands are present. The horns (both sexes) are cone-shaped, and strongly ridged and thick at the base. Females are similar to males, but are somewhat larger and have smaller horns.
HABITAT Forests, with second growth preferred. Also forest edges, gallery forests and savanna thickets.
DISTRIBUTION Southern Cameroon, extreme southwestern Central African Republic, Rio Muni, Gabon, Congo (B), and in Congo (K) north of the Congo River and south of the forest-savanna mosaic near the northern border, eastward to the Ituri region. Rather common in suitable localities.
TAXONOMIC NOTES No subspecies are recognized.