Eurasian Wild Boar - Asia | Online Record Book Preview

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Eurasian Wild Boar - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 22 14/16" Gold (Bow): 6 12/16"
Endangered: Silver: 20 11/16" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 15" Bronze (Bow): 0"
Sus scrofa

Jabalí (Sp), Wildschwein (G), Sanglier (F). Although a boar is actually a male pig or hog, the term is widely used as a common name for the species. Scientific name is from the Latin sus (pig) and scrofa (breeding sow). This is believed to be the ancestor of the domestic pig.

DESCRIPTION Shoulder height 30-43 inches (55-110 cm). Weight 150-400 pounds (68-180 kg), sometimes more.

A large pig with relatively thin legs. The coat of dense, bristly hair is brownish-gray in color, sometimes with cheek whiskers and a neck mane. There are no wart-like skin growths on the face. The female is similar to the male, though smaller and with much smaller tusks. Females have six pairs of teats.

BEHAVIOR Gregarious, living in family groups, though old boars may be solitary. When undisturbed, it is active morning and afternoon, resting midday and at night. Becomes nocturnal when harassed. Eats all kinds of vegetable matter, also small animals and carrion. Sense of smell is very good, hearing good, eyesight only fair. Wary and alert. A fast runner and strong swimmer. Prefers undergrowth and forest at any altitude. Requires water for drinking and wallowing.

HABITAT Woodland. Also agricultural areas with nearby cover.

DISTRIBUTION Most of mainland Asia south of 48°N latitude. Also the islands of Sri Lanka, Sumatra (Indonesia), Java (Indonesia), Taiwan, and Honshu (Japan).

Also native to most of Europe except the British Isles, Scandinavia and Iceland. Introduced in many other parts of the world, both as a domesticated and a feral animal.

TAXONOMIC NOTES A great many subspecies have been listed, some representing real morphological differences, but we do not separate them for record-keeping.

REMARKS The Eurasian wild boar is a fine game animal, alert and wary, and rather dangerous at close quarters.

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