Damara Dik-dik | Online Record Book Preview
This is a preview of the Damara Dik-dik species only. Once you subscribe you will be able to view all the entry details for hundreds of different species, including full score sheets and photos.
Damara Dik-dik - Species Detail |
AKA: |
Gold: |
9 15/16" |
Gold (Bow): |
9 2/16" |
Endangered: |
Silver: |
9 5/16" |
Silver (Bow): |
8 10/16" |
Bronze: |
7" |
Bronze (Bow): |
6" |
Madoqua kirki damarensis
Dik-dik de Damara (Sp), Damara Dikdik (G), Dik-dik du Damaraland (F), Damara dik-dik (Af). Named after the Damara, or Damaraland, region of northwestern Namibia.
DESCRIPTION Somewhat larger than the Kirk dik-dik, it is darker on the back and a brighter reddish fawn color on the flanks.
DISTRIBUTION Southwestern Angola, and northwestern and central Namibia.
TAXONOMIC NOTES The Damara dik-dik is a geographically isolated relative of the Kirk dik-dik of East Africa, and is practically identical to it. Biologists theorize that at one time there must have been a continuous population across Africa, but that climatic change during the Pleistocene Epoch resulted in a wetter climate in the intervening terrain making it unsuitable for this animal.
Member |
Taken |
Location |
Hunting Company/Guide |
Measurer |
Score |
OR |
MR |
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