Common Oribi | Online Record Book Preview

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Sudan Oribi - Species Detail

AKA: Typical Oribi, Uganda Oribi Gold: 14 8/16" Gold (Bow): 12 3/16"
Endangered: IUCN Least Concern Silver: 13 12/16" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 13" Bronze (Bow): 11 8/16"
Sudan Oribi
Map Legend

Ourebia montana

DESCRIPTION A small antelope with a long, slender neck and legs. Its coat color varies from a dark clay to orange buff, is speckled, with white underparts. Its tail may be dark, but not usually black as in the other species. The dark crown mark may be present or absent, and it has long, oval ears with a bare patch below them. Males have large preorbital glands close to the inner corners of their eyes that produce black secretions. Females are slightly larger than the males. Weights range from 11 to 17kg. Considerably larger that the Western oribi in body, but not necessarily horn length. Average horn length is 10.6cm.

DISTRIBUTION Found from northern Nigeria east into Ethiopia, and south into Uganda and Rwanda. This includes the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan and South Sudan. It also occurs in far west and northwest Kenya, and northwest Tanzania adjacent to western Lake Victoria (Burigi area). 

HABITAT Uses savannas, woodlands, floodplains, and other open grasslands, often favoring medium length grasses with good ground cover on hilltops and tree savannas. Highest densities occur in floodplains and moist tropical grasslands, especially in association with large grazers.

TAXONOMIC NOTES Formerly included 12 subspecies. Now, quadriscopa (Western), montana (Sudan), and hastata (Central) all elevated to full species. Inclused the former subspecies aquatoria, dorcas, gallarum, goslingi, masakensis, pitmani, and ugandae.

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