Capybara | Online Record Book Preview

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Capybara - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 15 9/16" Gold (Bow): 9 10/16"
Endangered: Silver: 14 14/16" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 13" Bronze (Bow): 9 8/16"

Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris

The Capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) is the single largest living rodent. This species is found in Panama and South America. The use of the above scientific name rather than Hydrocheoridae is in keeping with the opinion of authorities who consider Hydrocheoridae of Capybara species to be located in parts of Panama, northwestern Venezuela, and western Columbia.

DESCRIPTION Head and body length is 100 - 130 cm the tail is vestigial, shoulder height is as much as 50 cm and the average weight is 27 - 29 kg. In captivity the females grow larger than the males averaging 61 kg. Their long course hair is so sparse that the skin is visible. The coloration is generally reddish brown to grayish brown on the upper parts. The underside of the Capybara is yellowish brown. Occasionally there is black coloration on the face and the outer side of the limbs and the rump. Mature males have a raised bare area on top of the snout containing enlarged sebaceous glands.

The limbs are short and the head is relatively large and broad. The ears are short and rounded, the upper lip is enlarged and the capybara eyes are small and are placed dorsally setting far back on the head. The capybara inhabits densely vegetated areas around lakes, rivers, streams, marshes and swamps. They are great swimmer and divers equipped with slightly webbed front paws. When frightened will head for water for protection.

DISTRIBUTION Huntable populations are found in the east side of Andes in South America. The capybara can be found on the east side of the canal zone in Panama, from Columbia and the Guiana's to Uruguay and northeastern Argentina.

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