Barasingha | Online Record Book Preview

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Barasingha - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 164 2/8" Gold (Bow): 121 2/8"
Endangered: Silver: 152 7/8" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 129" Bronze (Bow): 116"

Cervus duvauceli

Barasinga (Sp), Barasingha, Indischer Sumpfhirsch (G), Barasingha, Cerf de Duvaucel (F). Barasingha is a Hindustani word meaning 12-tined. Also called swamp deer, which is somewhat misleading as two of the three subspecies live on hard ground in its native Asian habitat.

DESCRIPTION (male) Shoulder height 44-46 inches (112-117 cm). Weight 350-400 pounds (160-180 kg), occasionally considerably more. Females are smaller.

A large, graceful deer, though somewhat stoutly built. The summer coat is a rich golden-brown with a darker dorsal line, but without the spots that develop in its native India. The long, coarse winter coat is a dull grayish-brown with lighter underparts, and males grow a prominent neck ruff.

The main antler beams are smooth and flattened, with a long brow tine that sprouts close to the burr, but without bez or trez tines. A set of antlers may have 10-15 or more total points in a variety of configurations. Typically, the brow tine grows from the main beam at almost a right angle, after which the beam is free of tines for half its remaining length, whereupon it divides evenly and each branch divides again. In another form, the antlers somewhat resemble those of the brow-antlered or Eld deer, with a long, curved brow tine growing at more than a right angle from the main beam so that it appears to be almost a continuation of it. A variety of intermediate antler forms can also occur. Extra tines are often found in the tops, and small snags sometimes grow from the upper surface of the brow tine.

DISTRIBUTION Private properties in Texas.

REMARKS Native to India and Nepal, where there are three subspecies, two of which inhabit dry, hard ground while the third has adapted to marshy habitat.

First introduced on what is now the Patio Ranch in the Texas Hill Country and subsequently on other properties, where it is secure but has not really flourished.

A copy of the US Fish & Wildlife harvest permit must accompany the score sheet in order for the record book to consider the entry.

HYBRIDIZATION The barasingha is either known or believed to crossbreed, or to be the result of hybridization, when in a game ranch environment.

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