Aoudad or Barbary Sheep - Europe | Online Record Book Preview

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Aoudad or Barbary Sheep - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 126 4/8" Gold (Bow): 105 3/8"
Endangered: Silver: 119" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 90" Bronze (Bow): 85"

Ammotragus lervia

Arrui, Bé de Berbería (Sp), Mähnenschaf (G), Mouflon à manchettes (F). "Aoudad" seems to be an anglicization of the Tunisian udad for this animal. "Barbary" is from the Berber (Barbar in Arabic) people of northwestern Africa.

DESCRIPTION (male) Shoulder height 36-40 inches (91-102 cm). Weight 200-250 pounds (90-115 kg). Females are much smaller.

Biologically intermediate between a sheep and a goat, the aoudad is a strongly built animal with a short mane on neck and shoulders, and long, flowing hair on throat, chest, forelegs (where it forms pantaloons or chaps) and tail. Overall coloration is sandy brown with paler underparts. The thick, sheeplike horns (both sexes) are triangular in section and supracervical, which means they curve to form a semicircle above the neck. Females are lighter in color, and have much smaller horns and less hair.

DISTRIBUTION Introduced on several properties in Spain and elsewhere in Europe. The Sierra Espuña National Park in Spain has a free-ranging population of about 1,500.

REMARKS The aoudad is native to the desert mountains of the Sahara region of northern Africa. It is a superb game animal, exceptionally challenging when free-ranging and difficult even where fenced.

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