Altai Wapiti | Online Record Book Preview

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Altai Wapiti

Altai Wapiti (typical)
Cervus elaphus sibiricus

Wapiti de Asia Central (Sp), Wapiti d'Asie Centrale (F). Called central Asian wapiti in early editions of this book. Called Altai maral in Russia and Mongolia.

DESCRIPTION (male) Shoulder height up to 59-61 inches (150-155 cm). Weight to 660 pounds (300 kg).

Differs from the Tian Shan wapiti in being slightly smaller and paler in color, and having some minor skull differences. Winter coat is a light grayish-brown or yellowish-brown, with the head, neck, belly and legs a darker brown. Females are more evenly colored, without the darkening on sides and belly. Males in summer are a more uniform reddish-brown without the dark belly and with the rump patch more vividly reddish. Females in summer are similar to males, though somewhat darker with a fairly distinct dorsal stripe. Best antlers of record had a 54-inch (137.2 cm) beam length, 42-1/8-inch (107.0 cm) inside spread, and 14 total points (Rowland Ward, 1988).

HABITAT Forested hills.

DISTRIBUTION China: Altai Mountains of northern Xinjiang. Russia: The Altai, Sayan, and Baikal regions of Siberia. Mongolia: Northwestern and north-central parts. Boundaries with the Manchurian wapiti to the east are unclear.

TAXONOMIC NOTES The following races are combined here: baicalensis (eastern Sayan mountains), sibiricus (western Sayan mountains), and wachei (northern Xinjiang and western Mongolia), with sibiricus Schreber, 1784, having priority.


Altai Wapiti (typical) - Species Detail

Scientific Name: Cervus elaphus sibiricus Gold: 303 3/8" Gold (Bow): 290 4/8"
AKA: Altai maral Silver: 276" Silver (Bow): 0"
Endangered: Bronze: 224" Bronze (Bow): 0"

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The Altai Wapiti (typical) currently has 107 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book!

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Altai Wapiti (non-typical) - Species Detail

Scientific Name: Cervus elaphus sibiricus Gold: 264 4/8" Gold (Bow): 0"
AKA: Altai Maral Silver: 222 3/8" Silver (Bow): 0"
Endangered: Bronze: 0" Bronze (Bow): 0"

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The Altai Wapiti (non-typical) currently has 21 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book!

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